On October 24, 2024, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Singapore hosted the 2024 Emerging Enterprise Awards ceremony, where over 30 young companies from Singapore, Indonesia, and Hong Kong were honored for their cutting-edge innovation and sustainable solutions.

"We are very grateful and honored to have been selected as a finalist for the Emerging Enterprise Sustainability Award 2024. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to OCBC, Business Times, and all the judges for their trust and support."

The 2024 Emerging Enterprise Awards, presented by OCBC and The Business Times, have attracted over 650 applications from young businesses under 10 years old, showcasing their innovation, resilience, and outstanding performance. This year, the awards were open to emerging enterprises from outside Singapore for the second consecutive year, with over 200 entries from Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Indonesia. The diverse range of industries represented, including biotechnology, sustainable energy, food and beverage, and medical technology, highlights the growing entrepreneurial landscape in the region. After careful consideration, the judging panel has selected 30 finalist companies, each demonstrating potential for significant impact and success in their respective fields.
由華僑銀行和《商業時報》頒發的 2024 年新興企業獎吸引了超過 650 份來自 10 年以下年輕企業的申請,展示了他們的創新、韌性和出色表現。今年,該獎項連續第二年向新加坡以外的新興企業開放,共有來自香港、馬來西亞和印尼的 200 多家企業參賽。所代表的行業範圍廣泛,包括生物技術、永續能源、食品和飲料以及醫療技術,凸顯了該地區不斷增長的創業前景。經過仔細考慮,評審團選出了 30 家入圍公司,每家公司都展現了在各自領域產生重大影響和成功的潛力。